Slave Girls Spanned

During slavery, slave owners would frequently take advantage of any opportunity to cause pain to their captives. This included flogging, whipping and paddling as common punishments.

These forms of punishment were particularly popular with female slaves who would often suffer such punishments for making an error. At that time, female slaves were frequently made to bend over or lift their dress in order to receive these corrections.

1. Flogging

Flogging, also known as flagellum (Latin for “whip”), is a form of punishment in which the body is repeatedly beat with a whip.

Flogging was practiced in many countries, but it was especially prevalent among slave communities as a means of asserting authority. It often featured public displays of racialized violence where enslaved Africans would be spanked in front of their masters and agents of absentee owners.

Enslaved people were often beaten with various instruments, such as the whip, rods and switches; some even used cat-o’-nine-tails (nine knotted cords or thongs of rawhide attached to a handle). For even greater pain relief, Russian knout (hardened rawhide thongs interwoven with wire and hooked onto a handle) could also be employed.

Flogging was also used as a method of branding enslaved people with an iron indentation that identified them as property of their owner. Children as young as seven could be branded.

When a slave girl was whipped, she would be spread flat on the floor as her mistress, dressed in flowing skirts and elaborate finery, loomed over her threateningly. This method was employed to subdue any “stubborn pride” that might arise in her master’s mind that could be conquered through whipping and humiliation.

In some instances, slave masters could choose to whip their slave if she committed certain infractions such as not catching fish or failing to tie her oxen securely to a stake in the ground. This was an especially harsh punishment that most slaves dreaded.

Slave girls were often flogged by their masters to demoralize them, break any connection they had with the owner and cause pain in order to drive them away from him. While it was an extreme form of punishment, it was necessary in order to uphold white master’s authority over slaves.

Flogging was also used to intimidate other slaves who refused to submit to their master’s whippings and refused to submit. It sent a message that slaves were inferior to their white masters and should submit. This form of violence resented by those enslaved as it violated their dignity and right to freedom.

2. Paddling

In the Bible Belt, where much of America is still deeply embedded in Protestant religion and conservative politics, corporal punishment remains legal. It’s a popular way to discipline children – with more than one-third of students nationwide receiving some form of corporal punishment at some point.

Although some people argue for the right of schools to use corporal punishment, the Supreme Court’s 1977 Ingraham v. Wright decision established that the Eighth Amendment did not apply to public school students; states were free to implement whatever form of discipline they deemed fit – including paddling!

Human Rights Watch reports that schools sometimes force children to choose between being paddled or missing class. In Mississippi, for example, students deemed a risk for safety can be given the option of either receiving a paddle or receiving a suspension that could keep them out of school for more than two weeks.

Making the choice can be challenging for kids and parents, particularly if the child is in special education or has an extracurricular activity that conflicts with a suspension. In such cases, they might be offered the option of getting out early instead of being disciplined.

Covington County, South Carolina has been criticised for its paddling policy. Local records reveal teachers and administrators used it more than 1,300 times last year alone – but that’s just one district out of 19 jurisdictions in South Carolina where this practice remains legal.

Due to this, students are frequently disciplined for misbehavior that has nothing to do with their learning. Furthermore, many children who should not be paddled still get paddled – often because parents didn’t opt them out.

Although paddles still appear in public schools, some districts have discontinued their use altogether. The Yazoo County School District in Yazoo City, Mississippi for instance, completely discontinued them in 2017.

Covington County, which has implemented PBIS and a zero-tolerance policy on corporal punishment, still practices it widely. As of late April, they had recorded 20 paddlings of kindergartners, twice for first graders, 31 on second graders and 16 on third graders.

3. Ebony Brushing

Black slave girls were spanked for various purposes, primarily to promote obedience and discipline. This practice also encouraged their bodies to become strong and hard so that they could withstand physical pressure from a whip or paddle. Ebony brushing became common too, usually done with a brush made out of ebony wood – known as one of the hardest woods available.

Some ebony brushes were made with wood bristles, while others featured silk or both. The most luxurious brushes were usually carved from one single piece of ebony wood – an expensive and rare type of timber. Kent has sourced some of the finest bristles from renowned merchants around the world to guarantee that their ebony brushes are as smooth and beautiful as possible.

Ebony is an exquisite hardwood that darkens naturally under the influence of light and oxygen, making it one of the world’s most prized hardwoods. Unfortunately, some people struggle to accept this natural colour and prefer a completely black surface – a decision which shows disrespect towards this precious wood. Thankfully, there is currently movement towards changing how ebony is handled so more trees can be harvested for other uses.

4. Stripping

Around the world, slave girls were spanked with various implements. These included wooden strippers that passed down their veins; whips held by either women or men; and wooden paddles used to hit slave girls on the bottom against the ground.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union, stripping is a form of punishment that involves using an object or object-like instrument to force someone to remove their clothing and expose private parts to others. Some forms of stripping also involve physical harm and sexual assault; in America women who were raped or abused while enslaved are referred to as “strippers.”

Fabric stripping can be applied to many different fabrics, but is most often done on sheets and towels. These products tend to accumulate product residue over time, especially when large and bulky, so stripping can help get rid of it. Furthermore, sheets or towels that have become discolored or sticky after multiple laundry loads may benefit from the treatment as well.

Stripping can be done in a sink or bathtub, but it’s not recommended for items requiring cold-water washes or made of wool. Stripping also damages fabrics like cotton and wool-blend bed linens by taking away lanolin – an essential waxy substance which helps keep fibers intact. Before trying this at home, consult your laundry equipment manufacturer for specific advice.